Sunday, November 22, 2009

Had nothing to do so i'm trying to revive this dead blog after being bored by facebook. Hmm had lunch at sakura with martin's family to celebrate martin's birthday(26/11) in advance today. It was nice meeting them for the first time (other than jeremy), really funny family. LOL especially the dad and sis. (eye opener sia) Shant say more, heehee. Had a great time and hope to see them soon.

POP on next wedns and farewell party on next sat! Ahh... so fast becoming alumni le... Went fer alumni band prac ytd, mr lim did his usual lecture talking dot dot dot... fer like 2 hours... Hope that the future band pracs arent like this. Excited to see the juniors again on wedns! =DDDD

Went to pierce two more ear holes with shahril and martin on thurs. Ouch for the first hour. I added one more ear holes on each ear and shahril one on his left ear (its the right thats gay right?). After piercing we had nth to do so we went to play basketball and the cube box thingy and car racing at the arcade near macs. Then we went to crash Rachel's hse till 8pm before going for lunch at thomson plaza.

Prom was last tues and it turned out quite well, not like what i expected it to be: boring and long. Time past really fast cause everyone was like camwhoring. Prom king and queen came from my class, shocked can. Really nice evening and i'll miss 4/3. -Looking forward to the chalet in january 2010!

Okay i'm bored again. Go find something else to do.

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