Thursday, November 26, 2009


Actual height =(

Altered height! =D


Erm... band photo?

Martin's longan cake.

Anderson military band 2009 batch photo!

Went out with martin ytd to celebrate his birthday! Hmmm, shant tell the details here. HAHA =P Went out in the morning to queenstown, den headed to vivo to watch mulan, after that went to bugis to buy my working shoes, headed to doughby ghaut(aiya dunno how spell la, u know can liao) to have Carl's junior for dinner and at last headed home. Above is just some pictures that we took..

On wednesday was our passing out parade (POP), and we celebrated martin's birthday too in advance as seen in the pictures up there... Mr Leow ordered some buffet catering services, and ITS ALL MEAT can. No veggie sia. After that went home to bathe then went with martin to crash Rachel's house again with geri, minjun, joewei, michelle and seowhui. Lol, they played mahjong till like 9?10? i think. Rae's mum's cooking was damn nice man.

Shahril and Martin's coming over later to take out shahril's ear- ring lol! He says he cant take it out.... Aiyo he shouldnt take out now, its only a week old. Martin's staying for dinner! yay. Gotta shop for committtee present later! Farewell party tmr! Bye.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Arto Lindsay playing at Oi Futuro, Rio de Janeiro, 2009


sign announcing the event!

auditorium in the State University of Rio de Janeiro before the conference began

Guissepe Campuzano, Inti Guerrero, Victor Manuel Rodriguez, Daniela Labra

Pablo Leon de la Barra, Inti Guerrero

State University of Rio de Janeiro, brutalist architecture built during the dictatorship

Dissident Sexualities
Presentations by Artists and Curators

Troca-trocas is a two-day series of public talks in Rio de Janeiro with artist and curators from Latin America, whom in their practice deal with dissident sexualities and their context-specific cultural significance.

At a historical moment where the Gay International’s globalizing formats of ethics and identification - such as "Gay pride" and "LGBT” as a uniforming label - are adopted in different local contexts around the world, troca-trocas deals with practices that deal with the construction of gender and sexuality in the public sphere in a micro-political experience.

“Troca-trocas” is Portuguese for "exchanges". In the male gay slang of Brazil it refers to "fucking equally", where he who receives also gives and he who gives also receives. However, in the general Brazilian slang, "troca-trocas" also describes the experiences of sexual discovery and experimentation during childhood.

25-26 November, 2009 (19h-21h)
Centro Latino-Americano em Sexualidade e Direitos Humanos
Universidade Estatal do Rio de Janeiro

Giussepe Campuzano
Museo Travesti del Peru (The Peruvian Transvestite Museum) by Giussepe Campuzano is a research platform which hosts tangible and intangible memoirs (archives, artworks, oral history) which bear witness to the visibility and social mobility of travesties throughout the country's national history. The Museum gathers material dating from the foundational myths of Incan society to the neo-liberal post Fujimori present; further helping to construct a new travesty (trans-cultural) historiography.
Giusseppe Campuzano was born in Lima in 1969, Studied Philosophy and since 1990 he cross-dresses as an art practice. Since 2003 he has carried out research on the origins, contexts and significance of travestism in Peru. His Museum has been shown in different formats at numerous international exhibitions including (selection): En todas partes; Politicas da diversidade sexual na arte, Centro Galego de Arte Contemporanea, 2009; Trienal de Chile, Santiago, 2009; Staging Citizenship Hemispheric Institute, Bogota, 2009.He has also published Reclaiming Travesti Histories (Bulletin, 2006); Gender, Identity and Travesti Rights in Peru, Development with a Body: Sexualities, Development and Human Rights (Zed Books, 2008)

Victor Manuel Rodriguez
Scholar, cultural agent and curator based in Bogota. He served as the City’s cultural chancellor for five years. Trained in Art History at Goldsmith's University of London, he earned his Phd degree on Cultural Studies at Rochester University, having Professor Douglas Crimp as his thesis director.
He has curated numerous exhibitions, those to be acknowledge are Un Caballero no se sienta asi, Galeria Santa Fe, 2003 and Yo no soy esa, Galeria Santa Fe, 2005 which brought to the art field of Colombia questions upon queer representation. He also participates in symposia on GLBT policies, which he has worked with as being part of the local district government. He is currently a Professor and researcher at National University in Colombia.

Maria Galindo
The artistic-activist practice of Andean femenist María Galindo, challenges directly the racial and social hierarchies that render sexism and homophobia in Bolivia's idiosyncrasy. By means of activism, street performance and television appearances, she has created a true politically engaged practice that takes place in the public sphere.
Galindo is co-founder and director of Mujeres Creando, a feminist organization based in Santa Cruz, Bolivia that seeks justice against physical and symbolic violence to women and homosexuals in Bolivia. The manifesto of Mujeres Creando has also helped understand that indigenous heritage has been violated by a patriarchal oppressive colonial society. It researches the complex construct of sexuality and gender inequality in a multicultural and multiracial and multilinguistic society like Bolivia’s.

Pablo Leon de La Barra
Artist and curator based in London for the past 9 years, where he has developed numerous experimental exhibitions and events. His cult magazine Pablo’s International Magazine, Macho not rough, men art and architecture, is an on-going series of a publications dedicated to masculinity and its relation with the collective and urban anthropology.
De La Barra has curated To Be Political it Has to Look Nice, Apexart, New York, 2003; Glory Hole, Architecture Foundation, Londres, 2006 and his work has formed part of the exhibitions (selection); Localismos, Mexico City, 2004; Tropical Abstraction, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 2005; BMW-9th Baltic Triennial, CAC-Lithuania and ICA-London, 2005; Globos Sonda/Trial Balloons, MUSAC, Leon, 2006 and Nothing Really Matters When You Wear A Big Moustache, Locus, Athens 2006.
For troca-trocas, Pablo León de La Barra will carry out research to publish a new issue of the magazine devoted solely to “men art and architecture” in Rio de Janeiro. For this he also plans to research homosexual magazines produced in Brazil during the dictatorship.

Juan Pablo Echeverri (Colombia, 1978. Lives and works in Bogotá)
Studied his BFA at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá and has fulfilled artist-in-residency programs in the UK at Site Gallery and Braziers International. His photographs, films, videos and performances explore and disturb notions of individual identity, image and gender in private fantasies, challenging their representation in the collective. Through reenactment, humor and parody, Echeverri reproduces the celebration of narcissism. His work has been shown at The Photographer’s Gallery, London 2008; Site Gallery, Sheffield, 2009; Galeria Santa Fe, Bogota; Museum of Modern Art of Bogotá, 2009; Bienal de La Habana, 2009.

With the kind support of:
Prince Claus Foundation, Arts Collaboratory, Capacete Entretenimentos, CLAM

TROCA-TROCA com Giuseppe Campuzano do Museo Travesti del Peru, Maria Galindo, Pablo Leon de La Barra e Victor Manuel Rodriguez
Centro Latino-Americano em Sexualidade e Direitos Humanos- CLAM da UERJ

Durante duas noites um grupo de artistas e curadores vindos do Peru, Colômbia, México/Inglaterra e Bolívia apresentarão palestras sobre pesquisas em arte e cultura visual que indagam as sexualidades dissidentes nos seus contextos. Num momento histórico em que os formatos de ética e de identidades globalizantes da Gay International - tais como o Orgulho Gay e a sigla LGBT como etiquetas uniformizadoras – têm sido adotados em diferentes contextos ao redor do mundo, o encontro Troca-troca procura apresentar e debater as experiências micropolíticas de representação na esfera pública das sexualidades dissidentes em relação às hierarquias sociais, historiografias pós-coloniais e os contextos políticos particulares de diferentes países da America Latina.

O encontro troca-troca é coordenado pelo curador Inti Guerrero (Colômbia/Holanda), recebe apoio do Fundo Prince Claus, Arts Collaboratory e Capacete Entretenimentos e está sendo organizado pelo Centro Latino-americano em Sexualidade e Direitos Humanos (CLAM/IMS-UERJ).

Como chegar: Metrô Maracanã. O auditório fica no bloco F, 3o andar do prédio principal da UERJ, na Rua Sao Francisco Xavier 524


25 de Novembro – quarta-feira

19:00-19:10h: Mesa de abertura CLAM e Inti Guerrero

19:10-19:40h: Giuseppe Campuzzano - "Museo Travesti del Peru"

O Museu Travesti do Peru é uma plataforma de pesquisa que abriga um acervo de documentos, artefatos, imagens, obras de arte e mitologias que atestam a existência e participação social dos travestis na Historia Nacional do país andino. O Museu pesquisa tradições travestis indígenas que permanecem na cultura visual contemporânea do Peru, entendidas por Campuzzano como reflexo de uma mesma historiografia travesti (transcultural) da concepção pós-colonial do Estado-Nação.

Giuseppe Campuzano (Lima, 1969) Estudou filosofia, e desde 1990 registra o seu corpo travestido como projeto estético. Desde 2003 desenvolve uma pesquisa sobre as origens, realidades e significados do travestismo no Peru. Tem apresentado o seu Museu em diversos formatos nas exposições: En todas partes; Politicas da diversidade sexual na arte, Centro Galego de Arte Contemporanea, 2009; Trienal de Chile, Santiago, 2009; Staging Citizenship Hemispheric Institute, Bogota. Tem publicado Reclaiming Travesti Histories (Bulletin, 2006); Gender, Identity and Travesti Rights in Peru, em Development with a Body: Sexualities, Development and Human Rights (Zed Books, 2008)

19:40-20:10h Victor Manuel Rodriguez (Colombia) - "En el ojo del huracán: Prácticas artísticas y estudios queer latinoamericanos"

A palestra apresentará duas exposições que Rodriguez organizou em Bogotá: Un caballero no se sienta asi (2003) e Yo no soy esa. (2005) as quais reuniram práticas artísticas contemporâneas e produção de cultura visual que indagavam as experiências de homossexualidade e travestismo na cidade.

Victor Manuel Rodriguez é um acadêmico e agente cultural que trabalha em Bogotá. É doutor em Estudos Culturais pela Rochester University e mestre em História da Arte pela Goldsmiths- University of London. Participou do governo distrital da cidade de Bogotá dirigindo a área de fomento cultural. Já foi curador de várias exposições em Bogotá e organizou o foro Prácticas artísticas. Enfoques contemporaneos, Universidad Nacional. Foi o tradutor para o espanhol do texto Images (1977) do acadêmico queer Douglas Crimp.

20:10-20:25 Coffe-break

20:25-20:55 Pablo Leon de La Barra (Mexico-Inglaterra) - "Pablo’s International Magazine; Macho not rough - art, men and architecture"

Apresentação da pesquisa que contribuiu para a publicação dos volumes da revista “Pablo’s International que relacionam a sexualidade masculina com experiências contraculturais em diferentes contextos urbanos.

Pablo León de La Barra (Ciudad de Mexico, 1972) formado em arquitetura e urbanismo, é artista, editor, curador morando em Londres. Foi curador das exposições To Be Political it Has to Look Nice, Apexart, New York, 2003; Glory Hole, Architecture Foundation, Londres, 2006 e participou de mostras como Localismos, Cidade do Mexico, 2004; Tropical Abstraction, Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 2005; BMW-9th Baltic Triennial, CAC-Lithuania and ICA-London, 2005; Globos Sonda/Trial Balloons, MUSAC, Leon, 2006; Nothing Really Matters When You Wear A Big Moustache, Locus, Athens 2006. Pablo León de La Barra planeja publicar um novo volume da revista dedicado ao Rio de Janeiro, fazendo associações com as contraculturas sexuais dos anos 1970 representadas na época tanto pelas artes visuais como na cultura vernacular e uma possível contracultura sexual hoje. Paralelamente realizará uma pesquisa para compor um arquivo pessoal de revistas gay impressas no Brasil durante a ditadura.

26 de Novembro – quinta-feira

19:00-19:40 Maria Galindo (Bolivia) - "Feminismo nos Andes"

A palestra apresentará diferentes projetos controversos realizados pela Galindo junto com o coletivo Mujeres Creando em espaços públicos na Bolivia. Seja este espaço físico (a praça) ou midiático (a televisão), as intervenções realizadas são uma reação à experiência micropolítica do machismo, homofobia e racismo da sociedade multicultural de seu país. Um caso específico discute o seu protesto contra a visita do presidente Irani Mahmud Ahmadineyad a Bolivia, convidado por Evo Morales.

A prática de Maria Galindo não esteticiza ‘o político’, mas trata-se justamente de um agenciamento cultural que atua diretamente sobre as injustiças dos governos racistas e sexistas na Bolívia. Através de ativismo, performance urbana e processos legislativos, ela criou uma proposta engajada em sua esfera pública. Maria Galindo é co-fundadora da organização feminista Mujeres Creando, que procura justiça contra a violência física e simbólica infringida às mulheres e aos homossexuais na Bolívia. O manifesto das Mujeres Creando tem ajudado a compreender o abuso do poder patriarcal e latifundiário que tem apagado a herança indígena de seu país, através de pesquisas de experiências locais de desigualdade de gênero em uma sociedade multicultural. Galindo participou igualmente de mostras como a 27a Bienal de São Paulo; Como viver Juntos e Espacio Uno, Centro de Arte Museo Reina Sofia, Madrid.

19:40-19:55 Coffe-break

19:55-21:15 Mesa Redonda "Troca-troca com Maria Galindo, Victor Manuel Rodriguez, Pablo Leon de La Barra e Giussepe Campuzzano Campuzano. Moderador: Inti Guerrero"

21:00 Encerramento - Inti Guerrero

Inti Guerrero é curador Colombiano morando em Amsterdã. Foi Curador-em-Residencia de Capacete no Rio de Janeiro (Oct 08-Jan 09). Formado pelo Programa Curatorial do De Appel na Holanda, estudou História e História & Teoria da Arte na Universidad de Los Andes em Bogotá, Colômbia e na FFLCH e na ECA da Universidade de São Paulo. Curador e co-curador de exposições como When the bough breaks-On myth and religion, MARCO, Vigo e FRAC, Lorraine, 2010; Light Years - Cristina Lucas, Centro de Arte 2 de Mayo, Madrid, 2009; Eppur se muove-Danger to fall in the sea, Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo, Turin, 2009 e Despistando al Enemigo, Laboratorio Interdisciplianrio para las Artes, Bogota, 2008.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Went out with martin today to find a job at Takashimaya. =) Was supposed to meet his friend David at 2pm but he overslept so we went straight to his hse to wake him up. LOL, was really funny. Had a great time and on reaching Orchard Wisma, met up with two of his classmates and went for the job interview. =) Got the job! Yay. Gotta shop for the black shoes though..


Sunday, November 22, 2009


Chocolate CHUNK
Chewy junior!

Its monday. Watching the mentalist season two now. Really nice show, should watch. Another day slacking at home. Its freaking cold these days luh. Brrr. Mum bought chewy junior and chocolate CHUNK cookie. HAHA at least i've got these to make me happy fer today.


welcoming pavilion

orchids greenhouse

views of the gardens

house interiors

living room



Burle Marx's bed

mosaic pavilion

party pavilion

Had nothing to do so i'm trying to revive this dead blog after being bored by facebook. Hmm had lunch at sakura with martin's family to celebrate martin's birthday(26/11) in advance today. It was nice meeting them for the first time (other than jeremy), really funny family. LOL especially the dad and sis. (eye opener sia) Shant say more, heehee. Had a great time and hope to see them soon.

POP on next wedns and farewell party on next sat! Ahh... so fast becoming alumni le... Went fer alumni band prac ytd, mr lim did his usual lecture talking dot dot dot... fer like 2 hours... Hope that the future band pracs arent like this. Excited to see the juniors again on wedns! =DDDD

Went to pierce two more ear holes with shahril and martin on thurs. Ouch for the first hour. I added one more ear holes on each ear and shahril one on his left ear (its the right thats gay right?). After piercing we had nth to do so we went to play basketball and the cube box thingy and car racing at the arcade near macs. Then we went to crash Rachel's hse till 8pm before going for lunch at thomson plaza.

Prom was last tues and it turned out quite well, not like what i expected it to be: boring and long. Time past really fast cause everyone was like camwhoring. Prom king and queen came from my class, shocked can. Really nice evening and i'll miss 4/3. -Looking forward to the chalet in january 2010!

Okay i'm bored again. Go find something else to do.

Saturday, November 21, 2009


the thing about revisiting places you had visited in the past, is that it's not only about how the place has changed (or not), or about how you have changed, but more about how your interests and perceptions have changed during that time...
go to 2001, pre-digital camera visit...