Monday, August 10, 2009

Dead blog.

Wa. Dint post for so damn long. So much dust here.

Happy Birthday S'pore! =D Went out with martin ytd to see fireworks. Went bugis to walk walk/ shop shop den headed down to queenstown shopping mall to buy his converse shoes(i like it). I think martin's hungry. But he always dont say it. He pointed to the katong spoon laksa and say "Ytd my friend told me this laksa very nice leh. You want try?" LOL! I can read him like a book now. Been 8months already! Dumbo... So ordered a bowl, AND THAT WAS THE FIRST TIME I ATE LAKSA. Anti spicy food de me actually ate the katong laksa. =D coz not spicy luh. Duh. But its nice. Took train to Vivo, went to shop for stuff. Dinner at 6pm at Carl's Jr, ah... nice food...big serving... After that jiu go see yan hua le!!!!!!

So damn crowded at city hall man. My god. Literally human traffic till the max. The entry to esplanade and other roadways were blocked and there was only one route to the other side, so we blur blur took the route where MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF PPL WERE ALSO TAKING. Everyone was stuck halfway walking up the sidewalk. Stuck for bout 5-10mins den martin decided we jump over the short cement blockage and cut through the bushes and walk back from where we came from. lol. First time doing something like that but fun. haha. Since cannot go esplanade see, den called my papa and asked where else can see. So we took train to Dhoby Ghaut, take bus 16 to kalland indoor stadium there de kallang river see. Lol it was our first time going there and martin so nervous wor! LOL. Ya, anw we made it there but the fireworks set off before we reached the bridge. =( saw part of the fireworks while walking to the bridge. (cause there's this GRRRR tree blocking.) We were so damn tired. Legs felt like breaking. Saw the biggg yellow alphabet 'M' in front of us. So went into Macs to rest. After that, martin sent me home and i reached home bout 11.15. I could tell he was really tired and his feet hurt like hell after going out with his friends the previous day and ytd with me, but he was still so happy all the way till he sent me home. I really appreciated that and i couldn't ask for anything better. Thank you.

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