Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Calacirya.org ~ stoves


Stove Project
This stove installation project targets two main issues: 1) Overcoming health issues in indigenous populations of Guatemala, due to exposure to and inhalation of smoke; and 2) The ever-increasing threat of deforestation in Guatemala and its consequences.

* 77% of Guatemalan families use wood as their main fuel source
* 90% of wood cut annually in Guatemala is for fuel
* 2% of Guatemala’s forest is lost each year
* In Guatemalan homes, the breakdown of wood use is: 83% of fuel wood for cooking, 2% for heating water, and 15% for heating homes.

Traditionally, the impoverished Maya people cook on open fires inside the home resulting in inefficient wood use and a variety of serious health issues. Installing efficient, enclosed wood burning stoves is a simhttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gifple, cost effective way to decrease deforestation and remove smoke from the home, increasing the overall health and quality of life of the Maya people. ...(more)

Contact Co-Founders: Christian Nix and Emily Webb
US: 1-866-841-9139 ext.1011
Guatemala: (011) (502) 4060-9412

Composting Toilets:

Calacirya Foundation-In Guatemala improving community health with ...
... improving community health with wood burning stoves, composting toilets, ... Calacirya Foundation improves health and environmental conditions in ...

Sustainable building-In Guatemala improving community health with ...
They are also shown how to maintain a composting system for the excrement that is safe to fertilize ... Guatemala: (011) (502) 4060-9412. info@calacirya.org.

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