Monday, May 18, 2009

A Dream Reality ~ by Waymon Burns

I was in Panajachel 2 weeks ago with my wife and her Guatemalan family. It's almost like a dream reality there. I'd first went there around 20 years ago and had always wanted to return.
I have plans to go again, possibly next year. I do plan to retire in Guatemala; possibly in San Lucas, near Antigua.
I like the people there, in spite of getting them to keep a promise, especially related to time or an appointment. - Waymon Burns Texas

(posted as a comment on "Lake Atitlan’s Monster" on May 18, 2009 1:49 PM)

My response:

Dear Waymon, thanks for your comment! Especially what you wrote "I like the people there, in spite of getting them to keep a promise, especially related to time or an appointment."

LOL... ain't it the truth? But they really are so nice, I love living there. Glad you enjoyed it. Let us know if you come back. We're going to retire there too, even as I am back and forth all the time right now. I'm starting to build a house there this year in Panajachel, Lake Atitlan.

You can write to me at Let's keep in touch!

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