Saturday, May 3, 2008

eleven72 in Guatemala

Eleven72: "Church videos for your message"

eleven72 in Guatemala
May 3rd, 2008

For the last week, we’ve been running all over Guatemala to capture the stories of various teams of missionaries down here. We’ve been all around Guatemala City and all over the mountains to the east and west of the capitol city. Out shooting for twelve or thirteen hours a day. It has been quite an amazing experience. Check out this slideshow that chronicles our adventures so far: (go to website or flickr for slideshow) created by Admarket’s flickrSLiDR.

Tags: christian, eleven72, Guatemala, indigenous, mayan, Missionaries, missionary, production, slideshow

Posted in Behind the Scenes, News | No Comments »

eleven72 In Guatemala
April 28th, 2008

Lee and I are in Guatemala for two weeks shooting videos for ten different missionary teams in and around Guatemala City. We got into town Friday and we’re loving every minute of it. Right now, I’m getting ready to head out to the Christian Academy of Guatemala, a school here in Guatemala city that teaches locals as well as missionary kids. We’ll be profiling a couple of the teachers there. If you want to keep up with our trip, check us out on Flickr, I’ve got a Guatemala set posted on my account and I’ll be updating it as often as possible. Here’s a link:

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