Thursday, September 21, 2006

Eh this is given 2 mee by min jun larhx....dots...''-_-

7 weird facts about me ;
1. i like soupy stuff
2. i disturb my sis 4 no apparent reason ><
3. i like veggies
4. i put my leg on my chair when i eat

5. i worry too much
6. i like 2 nag at ppl O_o

7. i kick my blanket off my bed when i sleep^^

7 habits about me ;
1. i mix leftovers at dinner 2gether
2. i record all my hmwk in my handbook lol~
3. i tend 2 play maple when i look at my computer
4. i sleep at 9pm
5. i always hand in work
6. i like 2 sniff my pillow
7. i tend 2 stare into space

7 things about me ;
1. i am SUPER DUPER short
2. i noe-u-noe-who's-cute
3. i love AMB
4. i lurveee my cute little flute
5. i'm quiet
6. i dislike maths and chinese
7. i'm old

7 people to do this ;
die die everone do liao..aiya i anyhow choose frm my link list dun blame me hor.(RANDOM)

1. Wei shan
2. Jia hui
3. Joewei
4. Jason
5. Alicia Tan
6. Yu jia
7. Lydia

Dots this thingy is done ler...blah blah thnx min jun ^^Grr..i might have oral 2moro...wish me luck!^^byezzz

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

2dae during PE we had a friendly match with a sec 3 class, joann low, michelle chua and a percussion Cnior is in tt class.ZZzzz got guys in the team scary, the girls too they so damn pro. The 1st few mins they keep going in goals but later Boyao, yong xiang & Cheryl join in then it starts to get fun!Hahaw..we scored quite a lot of goals but i think we still lost.So funny lah the game, KTH intercepted a sec three tallllllllll guy, and KTH was like 140+cm and the guy was like 180+cm tall...So funny!(i think he goin 2 have fanclub liao lol)

Sunday, September 17, 2006

My sis's B'dae 2dae

2dae's my sis's B'dae!!!Eh i went 2 buy her cake with my mummy and we got her a $35 cake made og logan and Martini mixture..haha hope i dun get drunk after eatin it >''<

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Hah...changed my blogskin, coz geri ask me to....dots...but very cute rite?^^

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Aiya dunno wad 2 no inspiration leh..hmm maybe shld tok bout 2moro's band prac!Eh 2moro is the last day of band pracs den we will submerge under the horrendous exam schedule!!!!!!!lol i'm gonna miss band lah...bout i month no pracs leh!Sure gona be band sick haha...But i WILL brush up on my playing during this long 'band break'!

Saturday, September 9, 2006 is 10.45pm(according 3 my clock) whee juz come back from my very 1st together concert which is made specially 4 we the recruits!!!Yay!!!Well i'll tell ya bout my day!!!(Haha...i'm high....dunno y...0_O) Ok, i came at 8am in the morning, early rite?But lucky i sleep early yesterday...but u wont want 2 noe wad time i sleep coz its really early.=)Eh we recruits came so early coz we nid ta prepare our last touches on our prezzies 4 our tchrs and conductors, um we bought doggie bones the real ones sols at pet shops...ya it was quite ex compared 2 making cards.But its ok, my cniors think its vanessa brought the cookies too.Ah then after tat we had a little bit of drills then brought all our instruments and stands up the hall, then Mr lim gave us 18 mins lunch.Wa tat was the shortest lunch i ever had, i ate a chocolate bar and a can of drink.But it kept me full througout the concert.Um we recruits were the usherers for the audience, very weird leh dunno y i dare not tok 2 the audience...But later we went back 2 the backstage, i and geri fool around behind the curtains when the concert began with the 1st three songs, then when it came 2 junior band march i was quite nervous flute squeak a few times but i think i'm too soft 2 be heard lah so no diff.Later after the concert, we had a little slideshow on we the recruits and the band and the ROs, it was very cute, the pics in the slideshow were cute!!!!Everone looks pretty 2 me in the slideshow and thankies 2 the ROs for wad tey had done for us!!!I think i'm gonna miss recruit life after this concert and i join the main band...sad...Nvm aniway lets go back 2 where i stopped, after the slideshow its time 4 ppl 2 give wadever flowers they have ( i receive one stalk of purple sweet and nice of my!!!!After tat we went 2 Mcdonalds we did "something" there but i better not tell in case some recruits r reading this....heeheee Ok tats all fer now i goin sleep ler...bye bye!!!

Thursday, September 7, 2006

Hiie!!Ah...sry fer not updating fer so long and i got so many things to say!Ok lets start from my band camp!^^Um it was really fun during the band camp and it was my 1st camp in andss since i came 2 andss.Eh, we had drills in the morning and our dear RO got us chopsticks! YES chopsticks. 2 hold in our hands so tat she could spot our mistakes better.''-_-it was realli funny lar. Sanangdiri position de time got quite a few ppl drop the chopsticks....HAHA!!!me too...dots.After tat we have spring cleaning!Me and geri swept the floor.Then we had our instrument maintenance session.Wheeee lurveee tat one! I dunno use wad ah-ma powder (yinshuen call it tat) to polish my flute and its G~L~O~W~S!!!!So pretty leh my flute, i cant bear 2 touch it. But arh after tat got sectionals and band pracs so no choice. Lights out de time i sleep on gym mattress coz i dint bring my sleeping bag and the gym mattress STINKS!!!Dunno hw many hundreds of ppl used it and their sweat on it....eeeeEE.Geri and rachel slept with me tat nite but tey r both luckier tey slept on sleeping bags.Geri slept on michelle's and rachel slept on min jun's.Haha nxt mornin min jun screamed at rachel 4 sleeping on her sleeping bag, making her sleep on the
Woke up at 5 in the morning and we had PT. Well it was raining so we ran rounds and play captain's ball in the hall.WA!U dint see how the seniors play captain's ball!VIOLENT LOT OF PPL!!!Me and geri dare not even snatch the ball frm our seniors sia tey were too violent. Ah after band pracs and lunch we went home at 6pm sooo tired and worn... jia hui still ask me walk with her and joe wei and a bunch of other guys to the MRT station but i cannot tah han liao. I reach home very hungry lar, gobble my food, bathe, sleep. I slept 4 like 14hrs den wake up.So shiok!Den at 12pm have 2 go AMK MRT station 2 meet the rest of the recruits coz we r going 2 prepare our prezzies 4 our tchrs and conductors.Heeheee...secret. We went 2 vanessa's house 2 prepare the prezzies and min jun brought a DVD call "moulin rouge" it was so nice! Min jun explain 2 me the story den i inderstand, the visual picture was so nice but the lead actress died in the end, so sad.....wahwahwah. But tat joewei dun understand he juz wan 2 watch coz he wan see the actress vanessa call him "xing li bian tai">Bye bye gtg wish me luck on together concert .^^