Saturday, January 7, 2012


Wow!  What a way to start your weekend!  Amanda @ Kindergarten Chick, Deb @mrsreynoldsfirstgradeadventures, DeAnne @ First Grade & Fabulous awarded me the  . . .drum roll please . . . . . .

Now on to the blog award rules... 

1.  Thank the person(s) that nominate you with a link back to them.

Thank you AmandaDeb, and DeAnne

2.  Tell 7 things about yourself (see below).

3.  Pass this award on to 15 newly discovered blogs and let them know they've received this award.

7 things about me:

1.  I have taught for 20 years.
2.  I have taught in 3 different states.
3.  I love watching big, fluffy snowflakes fall in the winter time.
4.  I read, read, read all the time.
5.  I love Lebanese and Tex-Mex food.
6.  My favorite drink is Sonic coke with vanilla.
7.  My favorite color is lime green.

I am nominating the following blogs for this award:

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