Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Project 52

I saw this at Handbags & Handguns last year and really wanted to do it for myself, but I was super pregnant and we just moved so my only focus was getting settled, having a baby, and figuring out how to raise two boys. Since I nailed all that (yeah right) this year I’m really excited to make my list of 52 things to accomplish in 52 weeks. I’m motivated y’all! I’m linking up my list at A Peek At Karen’s World and plan to check in throughout the year to let you guys know how I’m doing.

1. Lose 30 pounds. Time to get healthy already!

2. Go on one date each month. This should be a little easier now that my parents are able to babysit more.

3. Try five new restaurants. I'm so picky and such a brat about it.

4. Visit my BFF twice. I’m going to see him in Sacramento in March, but I’d like to go at least one more time this year.

5. Enroll Nolan in preschool. He’ll be four in August, but I’d like to get him into something two days a week when he turns 3 1/2.

6. Take Milo to library story time. I took Nolan all the time, but it’s hard to do with two kids.

7. Re-watch Arrested Development with Jacob. Gotta get ready for the new episodes and movie!

8. Donate blood four times. I used to do it every 56 days, but had some babies and surgeries and cut back to about twice a year.

9. Go on a day hike. Jacob's all about hiking. I just want to walk around one of the little mountains near our house for a few hours.

10. Read 24 books. I read 22 in 2011. I think I can push it to 24 this year.

11. Read at least four classics. I still have a ton on my to-read list.

12. Plant flowers outside. I’m not saying they’ll live long though. I have a black thumb.

13. Find a good Twitter app to help me organize and weed out my feed. There's too much going on there right now.

14. Meet a blog friend. I’m going on a few vacations this year and might be able to squeeze in a meeting or two.

15. Use our elliptical three times a week. We bought it in October and I’ve used it five times. Oops.

16. Take a sewing class. I don’t even know how to hem or fix a hole on a seam. I’m worthless.

17. Keep our grass green in the summer. Like I said, I have a black thumb.

18. Try one new recipe a month. I’m a picky eater so this will be hard to do.

19. Get our floors professionally cleaned. Every other year is the goal.

20. Take Nolan to his first hockey game. Jacob and I LOVE hockey. We really want our kids to love it too.

21. Go to a Canucks game.  We've been wanting to go to a game for years. Canadians are serious about hockey.

22. Get family portraits taken. Dread! I'm always the one behind the camera.

23. Teach Nolan to ride a bike. He still hasn’t mastered a tricycle! This will be tough for my uncoordinated little boy.

24. Try Zumba. I think it could be a hilariously embarrassing workout.

25. Do a 5K as a family. I want to do a fun one like St Patty’s, Halloween or Christmas.

26. Go ice skating. I haven't been since I was 13. And since we want the kids in hockey, gotta start them young.

27. Make a yarn covered monogram. I got the idea from Kristen. See here.  

28. Host a blog giveaway. Maybe for 100 followers?

29. Find a really good moisturizer. Any suggestions for combination, yet sensitive skin?

30. Make a jewelry pin board. It looks easy, but I'll probably screw it up.

31. Clean out the garage. It’s an organized mess of Rubbermaid bins. We need to purge!

32. Clean out my closet. I must get rid of everything I haven't worn in years. I'm never gonna wear those tees from high school!

33. Touch up the interior paint around the house. This is Jacob’s job, but I’ll have to remind him and get the supplies.

34. Get Nolan enrolled in gymnastics. He’s got some major energy and wiggles. I think tumbling is perfect for a three year old!

35. Watch five Elvis movies before my trip to Graceland. I've only seen three.

36. Play in the snow with the kids. Unless we get some at our house this winter, we'll have to head to the mountains. 

37. Have a weekly family dance party. We need to get up and M-O-V-E!

38. Go on a Seattle ghost tour. I've always wanted to do this! Jacob is afraid of the paranormal though. Who's down?

39. Clean out my bathroom. Purge old or never used makeup, lotions and perfumes.

40. Get more involved with my neighbors. My kids will play with their kids for years and years. I need to get to know them.

41. Redecorate our bedroom. Scratch that. DECORATE our bedroom. It looks the same as when we moved in. Bare and boring.

42. Take a child CPR class with Jacob. Why haven't we done this yet? That's scary!

43. Make a new friend. I cut ties with a friend last year and it felt good; time to start new friendships.

44. Camp at least one night, with the kids, at our lake property. Nightmare!

45. Take a family staycation. One that doesn't require camping.

46. Hang curtains. We need to put some up in the living room and fix the ones in the bedrooms.

47. Turn my family blog into Blurb books. It's so easy I don't know why I haven't done it yet. 

48. Organize and complete our emergency kits. We have a few but the stuff in there is probably expired. 

49. See Madonna in concert. I love her '80s and '90s stuff and she's a living legend. I have to see her once in my life!

50. Take a hot air balloon ride. We almost did this last year, but the weather was so crappy.

51. Post a vlog. I'm scurred. I hate my voice.

52. Get AC installed. This was our Christmas present to us. I want it done before the summer hits.

Whew! Did you actually read all that? I’m tired just thinking about it, but I didn’t set too many out of reach goals, so I hope I can do this! What are some of your goals for 2012?

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