Thursday, January 5, 2012

Eff, Marry, Kill - Mad Men

Guys, I’m going through withdrawals. Mad Men is supposed to air at the end of each summer, but because of disputes between AMC and creator Matthew Weiner the fifth season was pushed to March. I can’t wait anymore! I had a mini marathon over the weekend and since then I’ve had the mad men on my mind. And now I give you my choices for Eff Marry Kill brought to you by Blonde…Undercover Blonde and The Vintage Apple.

Eff - Don Draper. Duh. Who doesn’t want a romp in the hay with Mr. Draper? As long as it isn’t anything like Jon Hamm in Bridesmaids! But this is about Don. He’s hot. He oozes sex appeal. I may even have a cigarette with him when we’re done.  

Marry - Ken Cosgrove.  He’s so happy, polite and cute. He gets along with his bosses, co-workers and clients. And he’s an aspiring writer! I’d totally marry him so I could read “Tapping a Maple on a Cold Vermont Morning” and his two unpublished novels. Yeah, so he was kind of douchey in the beginning, but I think he’s the most stable person on the entire show. We’d get along swimmingly.

Kill - Pete Campbell. There are actually a lot of people I’d kill. I guess that’s what makes this show so good. I thought about killing Joan’s husband, Duck, or Lee Garner Jr. And if I could kill a girl it’d be Betty for sure. But I’m sticking to the office and killing Pete. He’s so annoying and mean and smarmy and smug. He kinda looks like my high school boyfriend though which makes it weird…or better? Kidding! I’m not that crazy.

So who would you Eff, Marry and Kill from my list?
What would be your choices out of all the Mad Men characters?

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