Tuesday, November 8, 2011

How Do You Unfriend In Real Life?

I’ve had friendships end because one of us moved. I’ve had friendships end because our lives went in different directions and we no longer had room/need for each other. I’ve had friendships end because we got lazy and stopped keeping in touch. I’ve even had a friendship end because of a fight. But I’ve never actively tried to end a friendship.

I’m friends with someone right now who I’m pretty much over. I admit that sometimes I get sick of my friends and need breaks from them. But this person, who I’ll call “A” (Oh how I love Pretty Little Liars), has been bugging me for about a year. That’s enough time and I think I’m done with the friendship. We don't have anything in common, have a hard time finding things to talk about and A doesn't bring much to the table. A doesn't think any of this though. A thinks I'm a great friend. Oops.

But what do I do? I’ve done my best to give myself space and limit contact, but every time I talk to A I feel my blood pressure rise. Yes, A annoys me that much. So I give excuses as to why I can’t hang out. Luckily I have kids so the reasons really aren’t that farfetched. I hardly have time to hang out with the people I do like. If I had my way, I’d do the passive thing and just keep making excuses until A stopped talking to me. If it weren't for mutual friends, I'd phase A out, just like Kip.

Oh my God, it’s happening. It's already started. I'm Kip.

Hey, you're not Kip!

(To Joey) Do you even know who Kip is?

Who cares? You're Rachel! (To Chandler) Who's Kip?

Kip, my old roommate, you know we all used to hang out together.

See? He and Monica dated when they broke up they couldn't even be in the same room together
and you all promised that you would stay his friend and what happened? He got phased out!

You're not gonna be phased out!

Well, of course I am! It's not gonna happen to Ross! He's your brother. (To Chandler) He's your old college roommate.
Ugh, it was just a matter of time before someone had to leave the group.
I just always assumed Phoebe would be the one to go.


Honey, come on! You live far away! You're not related. You lift right out.

A is not getting the hint and keeps trying to hang out.
So what do I do? Have you ever broken up with a friend?

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