Saturday, January 17, 2009

CARE & Guatemala

CARE began work in Guatemala in 1959 with a school-feeding project reaching 20,000 students in Guatemala City. A mother and child health project started shortly after, and this arena of programming has continued to be an important component of CARE's programming in Guatemala to this day.

In the 1960s and early 1970s, CARE began providing health and education materials to schools and community groups in rural areas of the country.

An earthquake in 1976 prompted a change in CARE's programming in Guatemala. After nearly a year of helping to rebuild affected areas, CARE broadened its programs to include: agroforestry; aquaculture; agriculture; and water and sanitation. Almost at the same time, an urban food-for-work initiative began. ... (more)

In 1998, CARE identified programmatic priorities for Guatemala in the following areas:

* Water, Sanitation and Reproductive Health;
* Sustainable Agriculture Production, Land Titling and Privatized Technical Services;
* Women's Village Banking;
* Girls' Education; and
* Civil Society.

Currently, CARE has a staff of 360 people in Guatemala: 99 percent of whom are nationals of the country. There are three regional offices and nine smaller offices. There are 19 projects ongoing with a portfolio of more than $13 million.

Journal Entries with photos
Your Guides
Photo Album
Background on Guatemala
CARE & Guatemala
Atlanta Youth Committee for CARE

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