Thursday, January 29, 2009

Map of Central America

Map of Central America

Wikitravel: Panajachel, Lake Atitlan

Wikitravel named one of TIME Magazine's 50 Best Websites of 2008
From Wikitravel
North America : Central America : Guatemala : Western Highlands : Lake Atitlán : Panajachel


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Panajachel is in the Western Highlands of Guatemala. Panajachel, or Pana as it is widely known is a small town on the North shore of Lake Atitlán. Pana is a small town with a booming tourist industry. With the exception of possibly Antigua, Panajachel is one of the major tourism areas in Guatemala.


* Volunteer, at the Robert Muller LIFE School. LIFE's mission is to provide a top-notch, multicultural education to expat and indigenous children alike. LIFE School is the only English-speaking non-profit school in Guatemala. 77% of its current students receive some for of financial assistance. For more information please visit: LIFE School :


Cross-Cultural Solutions (CCS) or Peace Corps?

Two International Volunteer Organizations, Two Different Experiences
What are some differences between Cross-Cultural Solutions and the Peace Corps?

* Start Date & Length of Stay: The Peace Corps usually requires a minimum two-year commitment. You will begin on a start date based on the country to which you are assigned.

At Cross-Cultural Solutions you can choose to volunteer from 1 to 12 weeks, and from start dates year-round. The CCS experience ensures that you get the most out of your experience in a relatively short period of time.
* Requirements: To join the Peace Corps, you must be a U.S. citizen and at least 18 years old; most Peace Corps volunteers have a college degree. Married couples are required to participate together, and those with dependents generally cannot participate.

Since CCS is an independent not-for-profit organization, we are able to welcome a wide range of participants to our programs. We accept citizens of any country, and from a wide range of ages and backgrounds. Families with young children and groups are welcome, and 16 and 17 year-olds can participate under our Teen Volunteer Abroad program as well.
* Application Process: Peace Corps volunteers make a formal application to the Peace Corps that includes a medical review process, and not all people who apply are accepted.

CCS does not have a formal application process; you may enroll online or by contacting us today. (more)

Welcome to the Cross-Cultural Solutions Community! Meet other volunteers, blog, discuss, share photos and videos from abroad, and much more! (more)

Friday, January 23, 2009

Festival Atitlan ~ March 14, 2009

Festival Atitlan

Join the group on Facebook:

Entertainment & Arts - Performing Arts
Description: 12 pm to 12 am,
Musica, Arte, Danza, Teatro, Camping, Familia, Paz al Aire Libre

El Festival Atitlan es el mejor festival de musica y artes alternativo en Guatemala. Es un evento anual que celebramos en marzo (en 2009 sera en el 14 de marzo) Todos los fondos recaudados son para ayudar a construir el Hospitalito Atitlan.

Festival Atitlan is the finest alternative music and arts festival in Guatemala. It is a yearly event that is celebrated in March (on March 14th in 2009) and all profits are destined to help with the construction of Hospitalito Atitlan

Contact Info
Office: Canton Tzam Chicham

Recent News:

No se de una mejor manera de pedir ayuda con el festival.

I don't know any better way to ask for your help.
Contact me:

Bands that have signed up so far:
Bandas que vienen en 2009:

LeRoy Mack Band- Bluegrass
Crater- Rock ( )
Brian Howe Band (ex Bad Company) Este año viene el grupo entero!!!! This year the whole band is coming!
Method to the Madnez- Alternativo
Mambo Balam- world jazz
Percush- percussion
Lost Coast Marimbas- World Jazz
Marco Trio Electric- rock clasico
Otis Brown and the Blu Dawgs- boogy!!!!
Louis Lamp- New Age Jazz ( )
Coro de Niños de Nebaj- coro
Pana Piano Kids...variety show

Seccion de niños:
Teatro de Marionetas chumbala cachumbala
La Cambalacha


Just call me Indio - from Revue Magazine

Revue Magazine: Home / Guatemala, Lake Atitlán / Just call me Indio
By Dwight Wayne Coop • September 1, 2008

One of Panajachel’s most colorful and asked-about personages, tourists and locals know him as a master craftsman who sells his own handiwork.

Francisco Quiej calls himself “Indio” by DWC

Self-promoter, religious huckster, iconoclast, “loco”—Francisco Quiej has been called all these things; none is anywhere near the truth. “Indio” is what he calls himself, even though his fellow Mayas consider the term an insult.

This renaming took place in 1994 on a mountaintop. Francisco saw no burning bush on the slope, but “in my heart there was a burning conviction that I should wear this name.” Indio has since climbed summits throughout Central America, seeking prime meditation venues.

“That name carries 500 years of baggage,” he says. “Being pejorative, it’s also purifying, because as a bad name it obligates me to better myself, by doing right by others. Then I can wear it as a badge of shame and pride, at the same time.” It may be working; Indio is well spoken of by those who actually know him.
He is native to Zunil, a K’iché town near Quetzaltenango, where his parents were members of the “agricultural caste.” Even so, his father completed school and became a teacher; Indio and his five siblings therefore grew up in a literate household.

Indio is today one of Panajachel’s most colorful and asked-about personages. Tourists and expats know him as a master craftsman who sells his own handiwork: spherical lampshades by the cluster that waft, cloudlike, up and down the Santander Strip, turning heads. (more)

Revue Magazine

January 2009 in Revue Magazine

Guatemala's English Language Magazine

By Revue Magazine • January 1, 2009

Welcome to our 6th Annual Photo Issue. We couldn’t be more pleased with this year’s crop of incredible photographs garnered from an immense wealth of talented shutterbugs, both locals and visitors. From professional photographers to weekend camera buffs, we had a difficult time picking the 80 images we were able to fit in our first [...]

Download or Browse Latest Issue

Revue Cover January 2009 thumbnail
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Revue Cover January 2009 Flashpaper thumbnail

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(20.6 MB)

* 6th Annual Photo Issue of Revue Magazine
* January 2009 in Revue Magazine
* Adopt-a-Village in Guatemala
* Mystery at Tak’alik Ab’aj
* Bette van Lunteren
* Sensuous Guatemala: Holiday Mélange
* Nacimientos (Nativity Scenes)
* Desensitizing Firecracker Phobia
* Santa vs Tax Planning

(more) (Review Magazine, Revue Magazine) &

Jenna's River B & B
Bed & Breakfast:

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Mikaso Hotel

We stayed at this great hotel across the lake in San Pedro la Laguna, when Les went on the birdwatching trek up the volcano! See Mikaso Hotel's website for lots more info:

Saturday, January 17, 2009

CARE & Guatemala

CARE began work in Guatemala in 1959 with a school-feeding project reaching 20,000 students in Guatemala City. A mother and child health project started shortly after, and this arena of programming has continued to be an important component of CARE's programming in Guatemala to this day.

In the 1960s and early 1970s, CARE began providing health and education materials to schools and community groups in rural areas of the country.

An earthquake in 1976 prompted a change in CARE's programming in Guatemala. After nearly a year of helping to rebuild affected areas, CARE broadened its programs to include: agroforestry; aquaculture; agriculture; and water and sanitation. Almost at the same time, an urban food-for-work initiative began. ... (more)

In 1998, CARE identified programmatic priorities for Guatemala in the following areas:

* Water, Sanitation and Reproductive Health;
* Sustainable Agriculture Production, Land Titling and Privatized Technical Services;
* Women's Village Banking;
* Girls' Education; and
* Civil Society.

Currently, CARE has a staff of 360 people in Guatemala: 99 percent of whom are nationals of the country. There are three regional offices and nine smaller offices. There are 19 projects ongoing with a portfolio of more than $13 million.

Journal Entries with photos
Your Guides
Photo Album
Background on Guatemala
CARE & Guatemala
Atlanta Youth Committee for CARE

Guatemala vacations

Lake Atitlan

Guatemala Country information
Lake Atitlan Maya ruins Indian markets Colonial architecture Naturism Adventure Volcanoes Transportation Tours Photo albums Forums - Antigua Guatemala Colonial Ar...
Antigua Guatemala Colonial Architecture. Tips, Reviews & Pictures plus Hotels, Restaurants, Activities & More in Antigua Guatemala
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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Environmental Education Project

Environmental Education Project ~ School in San Pedro la Laguna

Ecology class for children aged 8 to 10 years old.

Environmental Education and cultural preservation in Central America. Traducción española :Proyecto Media Ambiental de Educación, Guatemala.

Development is rapidly contributing to the loss of indigenous cultures and languages, in addition to contributing to environmental devastation throughout central and south America . Western societies such as the EU and USA have become established upon a few centuries of trade and economic relations with developing countries. Western society depends on the natural resources and cheap labour forces of developing countries such as Central and South America, Asia and Africa. Our quality of life must not be taken for granted as we are living comfortably from the poverty and suffering of underprivileged people in "third-world" countries . Therefore, it is our responsibility to help protect and preserve indigenous cultures and ecologically vital ecosystems. Providing poor people with quality resources necessary to for them to have a sustainable way of living. We can deliver such support to the centre of poor indigenous communities by actively supporting the poorest schools and providing essential teaching materials and by promoting environmental education. (more)


-Download step by step guide pdf file here (return to webpage, go to bottom of page)


If you want to help by donating a second hand computer or Spanish school text books & school materials for Guatemalan children please email Carla Shaw BSc (Hons) at:

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


Sharing the Dream in Guatemala is a nonprofit organization that promotes fair trade with cooperatives and small businesses in Guatemala. The organization is committed to providing fair wages and employment opportunities to low-income artisans which results in creating sustainable markets for their projects. In addition, Sharing the Dream in Guatemala is dedicated to promoting projects which benefit the general well being of rural Guatemalan communities. Sharing the Dream is currently sponsoring 4 projects in Santiago Atitlan, a children’s library, a rural school, an academic scholarship group for students in need, and an elders’ center.

Volunteers are needed to share books, music, and art with local children. Volunteer opportunities also exist for cataloging books and organizing the library.

Volunteer placements can be arranged for individuals who would like to work with rural educational development.

Volunteer placements can be arranged for individuals who would like to help prepare and serve meals to the elders. We also welcome groups who would like to share creative activities with the elders such as musical and theater performances or arts and crafts projects

For more information, contact Amanda Flayer, the Santiago Sharing the Dream coordinator at

A small donation can make a big change!

Monday, January 5, 2009

Yoga & Pilates


MON/WED/FRI 8am with Malini in Pana - Please call her for more info: 51291165
Calle del Frutal 0-68, Panajachel,

Lunes/Miercoles/Viernes - con Malini en Pana- Llamar para mas informacion:51291165
Calle del Frutal 0-68, Panajachel,
MON to SAT in Pana & Santa Cruz with Naisha Roberta
Mon, Wed & Fri: Villa Sumaya 9-10.30
Tue & Thur: Don Rodrigo, Pana 8-9.15
Sat: Don Rodrigo, Pana 9-10.15

For more information: Tel 46262893

De Lunes a Sabado en Pana Y Santa Cruz con Naisha Roberta (en la Posada de Don Rodrigo, Pana y Villa Sumaya, Santa Cruz: Tel 46262893


Pilates with Malini

Tues & Thur 4.45pm-5.45pm,
Pana Gym, Avenida los arboles
Tel: 51291165

Pilates con Malini

(Martes y Jueves 4.45pm-5.45pm)
Pana Gym, Avenida los arboles
Tel: 51291165

Party Barge Lake Tours - Lake Atitlan

Party Barge Lake Tours - Daily 10am Q85 - 2hrs
Private tours & rentals Q350/hr - Q1000 half day
15 pax maximum capacity
Call Lee for more info: (502) 5359.8328

What's on in Pana & Thursday Lecture Night

Solomon's Porch: Restaurant, Music, Movies, Wi-Fi
(In the Comercial El Dorado, next to Casablanca)
Lectures on Thurs. generally from 5.15pm - 6.30pm
Donation: 20 Q adults; Local Students: FREE. Non-Profit event sponsored by :

SIGN UP FOR INFO & Email Newsletter: e-mail:

THIS WEEK: Please join us for the next GUATEMALA LECTURE SERIES. Menu & drinks available.

Thursday, 8 January - Guatemala Lecture:
"An Open Discussion about Immigration, Legal and Otherwise " with Sid Eschenbach & Eric Coroxón
Language: In English
Place: Solomon's Porch, Panajachel
Time: 5.15pm-6.30pm
Price: 20Q adult; Local Students: FREE! (This is a non-profit event.)


Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sololá: market day

San Pedro | Santiago Atitlan | Santa Catarina | Solola market ...

Take a video tour of Lake Atitlan Guatemala, including San Pedro, ... Santiago Atitlan for market day, then to Santa Catarina, and finally to Solola for the ...