Wednesday, November 26, 2008 - Central America

Central America & North America


Academic and Research

Georgetown University's Political Database of the Americas

The Library of Congress Handbook of Latin American Studies
A multidisciplinary catalog of Latin American materials, compiled by more than 130 international academics.

Library of Congress Internet Resources for Latin America and the Caribbean

Travel and Living Abroad Resources

Transitions Abroad's Central America section


Costa Rica

THE FARMING LIFE Miles H. Kiger, a natural resources, economics and Latin American geography student, undertakes hands-on work in Costa Rica.

Costa Rica: To start off the 2001 New Year, I was granted the incredible opportunity to travel to Costa Rica and complete a 15-day multi-element Outward Bound course. By Patricia Ryder


Introduction to Cuba by Christopher P. Baker, Courtesy of Moon Cuba, Avalon Travel Publishing

U.S.-Cuban Relations: A brief history of educational exchanges. By Skye Stephenson

A Motorcycle Diary: Havana from an insider’s perspective. By Danielle Drobot

A Journalist’s Dilemma: Why I chose not to report on Cuba. By Jonathan Pourzal


Consensus at Huehuecoyotl: Building solutions for an ecovillage in Mexico. By Danielle Connor

Jorge's Gift: When a Mexican boy with so little gives so much, it's a lesson not to be forgotten.
By Aaron Mearns

Restless in Mexico: A teaching abroad experience in Oaxaca turns chaotic as a political crisis escalates between activist protestors and the state government - The state of Oaxaca is occupied by Federales as conflict breaks out in the streets. By Anna Jolley

Teaching at an Orphanage in Mexico: Service-learning in Mexico provides an International Relations major with a valuable lesson on the dangers of imposing your values and solutions on another culture.
By Julie Falbo

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