Saturday, September 22, 2007

Haha i'm bored....><>

Metal + Acid = Hydrogen Gas + Salt

Carbonate + Acid = Water + Carbon dioxide + Salt

Oxide + Acid = Water + Salt

Yay memorised =DDDD

Lol ytd had a "study session" wif monkey, flo, lydia, wei shan and SL at amk hub opp de macs. Haha quite fun la except SL and wei shan quarrelled over something. lol. I think monkey gt sumting scandalous on her phone but i cant seem to find it anywhere on her phone leh...(haha Marley and me ....=.=''') Hee SL seems 2 likes the doggie we gave him for Bdae, phew~ (haha sry for havin u see us eat while u r fasting><) Yay my mommy juz told me she bringing me to shen zhen and HK for hols!!! wheee, but i scared will clash wif band prac den i die....(i think 70% tat i will die so...ya.) Ahhh... lemme see after EOYs over, i've still gt a CCA open house to prepare wif Wei shan and gab..O.o.... Sian gt 7 maths revision wkshts to do and still gt kamal's art zzzz...Hw i wish can drop art, HE, Music, D&T in sec 2, waste time sia.

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