http://scenicsunday.blogspot.com/Jet skis can be a lot of fun. But sometimes those on them are reckless and cause trouble to other boaties, especially to the young and inexperience ones on tiny boats and kayaks. In New Zealand, authorities have reported jet ski riders coming too near to big boats without thinking how dangerous it is.
I took these jet ski photos when I was holidaying in Australia. They have no connection with the story reported in New Zealand below. You can draw your own conclusion.
Epic jetski journey starts tonight August 1, 2010, 5:48 am
http://nz.news.yahoo.com/a/-/top-stories/7681670/epic-jetski-journey-starts-tonight/Jeremy Burfoot has already circumnavigated New Zealand on a jetski to raise cancer awareness - now the airline pilot is taking his message 32,000 kilometres further.
Mr Burfoot sets out tonight on a mission to ride his jetski from London to Auckland. He will cross the North Sea to Rotterdam, ride the Rhine and Danube, head to Turkey, then Egypt, the Suez Canal and the Red Sea. After that he will hit Yemen, Oman, Pakistan, India Sri Lanka and Singapore, then travel on to Australia and finally New Zealand.
Mr Burfoot says he will be exhausted but ready to celebrate when he "hopefully" makes it to Auckland. Even his wife is calling him an idiot, but that has done nothing to dissuade the father of three.
"It is not just her, there are quite a few people saying that - and maybe they're right but you have to do these things. To get our cancer awareness message out there takes something unique to get people's attention".
Mr Burfoot's adventure is scheduled to start at 7 o'clock tonight.
why is this idiot being allowed to do this what a stupid waste of search and rescue cover for this nutter
just hope hes got all the safety gear and is able to pay the rescue bill...and is he towing a petrol tanker behind him ??