Saturday, October 27, 2007

Hahahas finally the hols! Last thurs last day of sch was an emotional one for my class. 2 years seh! Been classmates for so long den now gonna be reallocated into diff classes...haiz sad.
Here are photos of the last day of sch on thurs, 2/5 WILL ROCK FOREVER!T.T
Thanks ppl for all tat u've done and the memories, be it bad or good lol... and the previous chairmans esp Brindha!=D U've did a lot for this class and ty! See u ppl at our class gathering!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Poor rich` India becoming rich: FM

Washington, Oct 20

India is making efforts to turn "a poor rich country" into an economic powerhouse and make the country rich with an open polity and an open economy, says Finance Minister Shri P Chidambaram. Relating what he called the "story of a poor rich country" at the Harvard University - he had done MBA from Harvard Law School - the minister said he has faith in the future generations as "more and more Indians - especially young Indians - have discovered the virtues of an open polity and an open economy."

"Our effort is to turn India into an economic powerhouse and make India rich," he said in a South Asia Initiative Harish C Mahindra 2007 lecture on "Poor Rich Countries: The Challenges of Development" in Boston Thursday. "While my generation which spearheaded the crossover will do its best, I have faith that the next generation of Indians, and the generation after that, will eliminate the scourge of poverty and make India rich. Then, the poor rich country would have deserved its inheritance."

Giving a long list of things that make India rich and poor at the same time, Shri Chidambaram said, "India is rich because of its natural resources; it is poor because it is unable to exploit those resources efficiently and profitably."

"India is rich because of its native entrepreneurial talent; it is poor because many policy and procedural hurdles stand in the way of the entrepreneurs. ... India is rich because its people are hardworking, resilient and pragmatic; it is poor because often commonsense is devoured by ideology."

"Undoubtedly, India is challenged" with the government facing the challenge of leveraging the huge natural and human resources to ensure rapid economic growth, he said describing growth as "the best antidote to poverty". "With growth, we have a chance to wipe out the stigma of abject poverty, and our people can enjoy the advantages of being citizens of an increasingly prosperous country. Without growth, India will remain a poor rich nation," Shri Chidambaram said.

For well over three decades after independence, India adopted a dirigiste model of economic development. The State was the principal driver of the economy and the economy itself remained closed to the rest of the world. India’s GDP grew at an average rate of 3.5% in those "lost decades", he said recalling that it required a balance of payments crisis in 1991 to jolt India out of its slumber. Then "brushing aside the predictions of doom, the people embraced the new paradigm of an open and competitive economy."

"The India story had begun. It is an unfolding saga and we have added many chapters, but it was not easy in the 1990s and it is not easy now either," Shri Chidambaram said describing the first decade of the new millennium as "the best since independence".

In the seven years beginning 2000-01, India`s GDP has grown at an average rate of 6.9%. Since 2003-04, the growth rate has moved to a higher plane and the average has been 8.6%. 2006-07 was a splendid year with the GDP recording a growth of 9.4%. One would have thought that the challenge of development - in a democracy - will become less formidable as the economy cruises on a high growth path, Shri Chidambaram said.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Wa long no post... exams over last wk. happy! The last 6 days of holiday i watched 1 korean drama and 3 jap drama nice seh! Goong S is nice but i think Goong is nicer, much more hilarious. ^^ but still worth watching la. Eh i watched hana yori dango season one and two! Super nice! Its the jap version of meteor garden but i think this jap version nicer then the taiwan version.haha. I also watched the jap version of hana kimi and hor serious la i think jap actors are better man, i prefer the jap version, is funnier. Must watch!
Last sat when to hav a jab with my mom...zzz she force my go take flu jab coz she scared nov go hong kong not safe =.= haiz...typical paranoid mother. So i went, at 1st nt pain but the next day pain liao. lol cannot lift arm. XD
Ah...den ytd gt in-line skating. I WILL NEVER SKATE ON MY FREE WILL AGAIN! Wa seh fell 3 times on my butt, zzz pain man. Ahh but monkey and min jun noes hw 2 skate though. T.T
Today, went through the question papers of maths, science and lite. Suppose to hav eng too, but hey expected one la Yeo Yeo nvr come, AGAIN so whole class slack AGAIN. Rofl. Lite quite okay if wat ms sharmila says is true, top 3 comes from my class and our msg is the best. So no wori tat one. Maths arh die man, see mrs chua say hor i think can go get ready coffin sia. Sounds so depressing T.T... 2/2 gt the best msg though, but my class msg is only 0.1 away from theirs, so mon when checking script MUST find errors in marking den get more marks so can pull msg!^O^!hahahha. Eh science okay la, 75% of my class gt distinction but did nt meet expectation of msg 1.9 but gt msg 2.0 instead...haiz...0.1 more. Mr leow came for like 3minutes? Den disappeared lol.
AAHHHHH 2moro band prac!!!!!! T.T must get ready for mr lim's "teaching" sia... one month no touch my flute alrdy...hah... sooner or later will sure kenna one la. Hope my recruits will enjoy band prac!^^ Jia you!

Friday, October 12, 2007

Farewell to Mr.C.L.Rai

Today the school bid farewell to Mr.C.L.Rai ( P.E.T) who has been transferred to the Dept.of Sports and Youth Affairs-Gangtok.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Friday, October 5, 2007

haha i am bored again. i'm supposed to be studying lite now though lol><. haha but went online to download si ying's lite notes. eh dunno leh anyhw click den come my blog, =D
Finally man! left three more days of EOYs den HAHAHAHAHA PLAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! hah.... but thinking of it, i asho dunno wad to do after exams. haha. Tested yujia science ytd morning den sho qiao wad i tested came up haha. ~heng phew~ i kinda miss band seh no band prac for 3 weeks... tsk.. feel weird.haha. Haiz but i gonna havta miss like 4 band pracs during the hols from 3nov-13nov...T.T i am dead when i come bac...kenna 'shoot' by conductor...haha. eh i wan go play wif my band batch girls after EOYs! ^^ ever since exams very long no go ler! hahaha. ok sutdy time.